
钟燕  黄承钰1  何涛  Harmsen H M J2  Vonk R J2
四川大学华西公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学教研室,成都  610041
摘要:目的  研究补充益生菌和酸奶对乳糖不耐者结肠菌群的影响。方法  以经25g 乳糖负荷试验筛选的乳糖不耐受者11名为对象,让受试者持续摄入益生菌(含B. longum)和酸奶(含B. animalis, L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus)14天进行补充研究。试验分3阶段:即补充前阶段7天,补充阶段14天,补充后阶段7天。在补充阶段开始前1天和结束后1天分别进行乳糖不耐受负荷试验,记录受试者不耐受症状并评分。在试验阶段收集受试者的新鲜粪便样本共5次,采用荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)和变性梯度凝胶电泳技术(DGGE)检测补充前、补充期间和补充后粪便样本细菌总数和各主要菌群的数量构成,以及外源性和内源性双歧杆菌菌种分布。结果  在补充益生菌胶囊和酸奶后受试者乳糖不耐受症状评分均显著降低(P<0.05)。补充期间细菌总数和主要细菌组(Bifidobacteria,Bacteroides-Prevotella,Eubacteria,Ruminccocc等)的数量均显著高于补充前(P<0.05),双歧杆菌的数量在补充结束后7天仍显著高于补充前(P<0.05),其他几组细菌数量在补充结束后下降;DGGE结果显示来自益生菌胶囊和酸奶的双歧杆菌菌种在补充期间能够在受试者肠道内检出,但个体间存在较大差异。结论  益生菌胶囊和酸奶中的双歧杆菌能够耐受胃肠的酸碱环境在结肠内存活和繁殖,并影响内源性双歧杆菌和其他细菌组的数量,改变结肠菌群的构成,尤其以双歧杆菌更为明显,这对减轻乳糖不耐受症状起到重要作用。
关键词:乳糖不耐受  益生菌  酸奶  结肠菌群
中图分类号:Q533.3  R574.62        文献标识码:A
Effect of probiotics and yogurt on colonic microflora in subjects with lactose intolerance
Zhong Yan, Huang Cheng-yu, He Tao, Harmsen H M J, et al.
Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, West China School of Public Health, Sichuan University, Chengdu  610041, China
Abstract: Objective  To study the effects of probiotics and yoghurt supplementation on colonic microflora in subjects with lactose intolerance (LI).  Methods  Eleven lactose intolerant volunteers determined by 25g lactose challenge test were recruited and given supplementation with Bifina capsule (with B. longum) and yogurt (with B. animalis, L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus) for 14 days. The trial was divided into 3 phases: 7-day basal period, 14-day supplementation period and 7-day post-supplementation period. Two lactose challenge tests were performed 1 day before and 1 day after supplementation period respectively, and lactose intolerance symptoms were recorded with questionnaires. Five fecal samples were collected during the trial, and total bacteria and several main groups of bacteria in colon were analyzed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The shift of Bifidobacterium species population in colon was analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Results  It was found that LI symptom was alleviated significantly after supplementation (P<0.05). The amount of total bacteria and the main groups of bacteria (Bifidobacteria, Bacteroides-Prevotella, Eubacteria, Ruminccocc et al.) was significantly increased during the supplementation period (P<0.05). The amount of Bifidobacteria during post-supplementation period was significantly higher than that of basal period (P<0.05), while the amount of other several groups of bacteria decreased. The result of DGGE showed that the extraneous Bifidobacteria species from Bifina capsule and yoghurt could be detected in fecal samples during supplementation period, however there was diversity between volunteers. Conclusion  It was suggested that extraneous Bifidobacteria in Bifina capsule and yogurt could resist the effect of gastric acid and bile salt, and survive in colon. Supplementation of probiotics and yogurt could influence the colonic bacteria, and increase the number of main groups of colonic microflora, especially for Bifidobacteria, which could play important role in alleviating LI symptoms.
Key words: lactose intolerance, probiotics, yogurt, colonic microflora
1 通讯作者
2 Groningen大学,荷兰

孙文杰   高永清1
中国疾病预防控制中心 营养与食品安全所,北京  100050
摘要:目的  探讨幼儿零食消费情况及影响因素以及针对可变的影响因素做出的幼儿零食行为的干预效果的评价 方法分层随机抽取合肥市2102名4~6岁幼儿的零食行为进行问卷调查,使用多因素模型进行分析影响因素,使用社区干预实验的方法于2000年10~11月对合肥市2102名4~6岁幼儿的零食消费情况进行干预,采用教师-幼儿和家长-幼儿的干预模式。结果:幼儿食用零食主要受家长饮食行为和饮食态度的影响,在随后的干预中,干预组的幼儿的零食行为,分别表现在幼儿零食的食用的频率上、食用时间。无论是干预前后干预组的自身比较,还是在终期实验组和对照组相互比较都显示出差异。结论:通过家长来干预幼儿的零食行为的途径是有效的。
关键词:零食  幼儿  多因素分析  社区干预实验 评价
中图分类号:                     文献标识码:A
Factors influencing snack behaviors of young children in Hefei and evaluation of the effection of interventions
Sun Wen-jie, Gao Yong-qing
Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control ,Beijing 100050, China
Abstract: Objective  To evaluate the effect of the parent-to-child and teacher-to -child models used in the Snack Risk Factor Intervention Project for Children (SRFIPC) to change the snack pattern of children. Methods  Using the community-based intervention trail, nutrition education was implemented based on the parent-to-child and teacher-to-child models among 2102 pre-school children aged 4-6 years in 8 day-care centres of Hefei City, Anhui Province, P.R. of China. Data on snack consumption of young children was obtained using a snack behavior questionnaire. Results  (1)The rate of snacking was high in young children of Hefei. The attitude and diet behavior of the parent are the main influence of the young children snack behavior. (2)The snack frequency of children in intervention group decreased as compared with the control group (P<0.001). However, children who have higher frequent snacking in the intervention group did not have significant change in their snack behaviors compared with children in the control group. (3) The percentage of children who consumed snacks between meals increased, while the percentage of children who consumed snacks ad arbitrium was greatly decreased in the intervention group (both P<0.001). (4) The percentages of snacks low in nutrition density, such as the biscuit, cake, confectionery, ham sausage, beverages were lower in intervention group than in the control group. Conclusion  It is useful to intervention the children’s snack behaviors parent-to-child and teacher-to-child models.
Key words: snacks, young children, logistic,community intervention trail, evaluation

金庆中  赵立文  徐筠  卫薇  罗仁才
北京市疾病预防控制中心,北京  100013
摘要:目的 应用24小时回顾询问法,估计北京地区居民丙烯酰胺摄入量。方法 采用GC-MS 方法检测北京市场上购买的24类食物,并应用检测结果计算2460份食谱(820人×3天)的丙烯酰胺含量。结果 北京地区居民的丙烯酰胺的平均摄入量为(μg/d):男性 18.6,女性 16.6;97.5分位数为(μg/d):男性59.0,女性 50.4。应用每kg体重计算均值[μg/(kg bw·d)]:男性 0.282,女性0.284;97.5百分位数[μg/(kg bw·d)]:男性0.898,女性1.007。各餐丙烯酰胺摄入比例为:早餐 20.48%,午餐38.99%,晚餐 39.42%,零食 1.17%。结论 午餐和晚餐食品是北京地区居民丙烯酰胺的主要来源,改变北京地区居民的正餐的烹调方式和控制北京传统早餐食品中的丙烯酰胺含量是减低北京地区居民丙烯酰胺暴露量的主要措施。
关键词:丙烯酰胺    膳食摄入量研究
中图分类号:R151.4                   文献标识码:A
Study on the acryl amide intake in the Beijing diet
Jin Qing-zhong, Zhao Li-wen , Xu Jun, Wei Wei, et al.
Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100013,China
Abstract:Objective  A 24-hours recall study was performed to get the acryl amide intake in the Beijing diet. Methods 24 separate items bought in the Beijing Market were analyzed and 2460 diet lists (820 participants × 3days) were calculated. Results The following mean intakes of acryl amide have been estimated (μg/day) :m ales 18.6, females 16.6. For the 97.5 percentile of the population the intake is estimated to: Males 59.0, females 50.4. As dose calculated per kg bodyweight the mean intake becomes [μg/(kg bw·d)]:males 0.282, females 0.284. For the 97.5 percentile[μg/(kg bw·d)] :m ales 0.898, females 1.007. The contribution of the different meals and to the intake was as follows: breakfast 20.48%, lunch 38.99%, dinner 39.42%, snacks 1.17%. Conclusion The survey leads to the conclusion that lunch and dinner are significant sources of acryl amide in a typical Beijing diet even if they have relatively low

levels of acryl amide. Chinese traditional