
The study on energy intake in the infants at aged 4-12ms
(1 江西省妇幼保健院儿童保健科,南昌,3300082;2 重庆医科大学附属儿童医院儿童保健科,重庆,400014)摘要:目的以067<⊿WAZ>-067为依据研究4~12月龄婴儿能量摄入、乳类摄入产能与其它食物产能比,分析其相关因素。研究对象和方法2004年11月~2005年3月重庆医科大学儿童医院儿童保健门诊4月龄婴儿132名,定期随访至12月龄。分A组(4~5月龄)、B组(6 ~8月龄)、C组(9 ~12月龄)。两名专业人员负责体格测量。体格评价以CDC2000为参数。若⊿WAZ<-067则终止随访。食物称重与食物记录法计算每日食物摄入情况。结果1各组婴儿体格发育良好,067<⊿WAZ>-067时婴儿平均食物摄入量为119~128g/kg·d; 平均蛋白质摄入量分别为182g/kg·d、276g/kg·d、352g/kg·d;乳类摄入分别是总能量的93%、64%、56%;平均乳类摄入量为900 ~750g/d;平均能量摄入分别为839kcal/kg·d、816 kcal/kg·d、858kcal/kg·d,接近WHO 2003标准,低于中国营养学会推荐值;能量密度为06~08kcal/g。2、多元线性回归分析结果显示食物摄入量、能量密度是影响能量摄入的主要因素。结论本组4~12月龄婴儿能量摄入为82kcal/kg·d~86 kcal/kg·d时婴儿体格发育正常;4~12月龄婴儿期乳类摄入量达750~900g/d可满足婴儿大部分能量、蛋白质需要;食物摄入量和能量密度是影响婴儿能量摄入的两个最重要因素;婴儿食物能量密度以06~08kcal/g为宜。
Abstract: Objective: To investigate the total energy intake, the energy from milk and other foods in the infants aged 4 to 12m and analyze the factors related the energy intake Background: Usually, the foods were introduced between 4 and 6 month during the first year of life, but it was unknown what the optimal proportion of milk and other foods was to be introduced for the infants during the weaning period Methods: 132 infants aged 4m, who were brought for serial measurements in the Department of Primary Child Care, from November 2004 to March 2005 The infants were divided into 3 groups (group A,4-5ms; group B,6-8ms; group C, 9-12ms) and followed until 12months of life The weights and the recumbent lengths were measured by two professional staffs The assessment of physical growth of the infants was done by used the CDC2000 reference As the changes of Z score on weight for age (⊿WAZ) were<-067 during the two visits ,the infants were asked to quit the research The dietary intakes of the infants were calculated according to 24h dietary records or weighing foods for sequential 3 days, Results: 1 When the ⊿WAZs of participated infants were between 067 and -067, the food intakes among three groups were 119-128g/kg·d, the protein intakes were 182g/kg·d, 276g/kg·d and 352g/kg·d, respectively The milk intakes were 76~114g/kg·d, which contribute the 93% of energy intakes in group A, 64% in group B and 56% in group C  The energy intakes of 3 groups were 839kcal/kg·d, 816kcal/kg·d,  858kcal/kg·d, respectively , which were almost similar to WHO 2003 recommendations, and lower than that of Chinese RNI 2 The data from multiple linear regression analysis showed that the food intakes and the energy density were the most important factors related with energy intakes The energy density of all foods was 06-08kcal/g Conclusions: 1The growth of the infants was at the normal range as the energy intakes were 82-86kcal/kg·d 2The infants may need the 900-750g/d of milk to meet the major requirements of energy and protein 3The food intakes and the energy density were the most important factors related with the energy intakes, the appropriate energy density for infants is 06-08kcal/g
Keywords: infant; energy; energy density; weight.

我国婴儿6月龄后体格发育逐渐落后于WHO推荐标准,多数研究认为是其它食物引入时间或品种不当\[1\]。合理的能量供给是婴儿生长发育的基础。WHO 2003年\[2\] 建议4~5月龄、6~8月龄、9~12月龄婴儿能量需要值分别为808kcal/kg·d、770kcal/kg·d、775kcal/kg·d,。我国婴儿期的食物与能量特点与儿童生长发育的关系仅有中国营养学会2000年推荐婴儿能量需要值(95kcal/kg·d),婴儿4~6月龄后乳类和其它食物能量比尚无参照。本文研究维持4~12月龄婴儿体重正常生长(即067<体重增长值(⊿WAZ)>-067)的平均能量摄入量及乳类产能、乳类与其它食物产能比。以指导食物转换期婴儿喂养;同时,为临床制定婴儿能量需要参考值提供一定依据。
21 随访和年龄分组
6月龄内婴儿为每月(30±5日)随访1次,6~12月龄每1~2月(60±5日)随访1次。婴儿分组:A组为4 ~ 5月龄;B组为6 ~ 8月龄;C组为9 ~12月龄。
22 体格测量和评价
Z score=实际体格测量值-参考值中位数〖〗参考值的标准差
23 终止随访指标
<6月龄婴儿为24小时食物记录法; 6~12月龄婴儿采用食物称重与食物记录法结合,称重法使用统一小台秤(精确度为5g)。每次随访前做3日膳食记录。入组家长进行膳食称重和膳食记录培训一月。
EPI 2000软件计算婴儿体格发育Z score,统计分析采用SPSS115软件进行F检验、多元线性回归分析等。
                        A组                                  B组                                  C组

体重(kg)         7.72±0.86                       8.69±0.90                    9.92±1.13

身长(cm)         64.9±2.5                        69.4±2.6                       74.4±3.1

WAZ              0.81±0.80                       0.51±0.78                     0.35±0.82

LAZ               0.22±0.73                       0.42±0.64                     0.47±0.79

WLZ              0.88±0.74                       0.60±0.69                     0.60±0.70

⊿WAZ          -0.07±0.24                       - 0.25±0.21                  -0.14±0.26


                         A组                 B组                   C组                  F                   P 

熟食重量(g) 980±153    1086±156        1175±196        59.194          <0.001

          (g/kg)  128±19        126±16            119±19          10.229          <0.001

蛋白质(g)    14.0±3.0      24.0±7.0          34.9±8.1        476.443         <0.001 

         (g/kg)  1.82±0.35     2.76±0.73        3.52±0.70     340.456         <0.001

婴儿每日总能量摄入呈递增趋势,分别为646kcal/d、707kcal/d、852kcal/d;单位体重能量摄入分别为839kcal/kg·d、816kcal/kg·d、858kcal/kg·d;乳类产能占总能量的比例依次为93%、78%、56%;其它食物产能分别为48 kcal/d、160 kcal/d、378 kcal/d(P<005)。4~12月婴儿食物能量密度为06~08kcal/g(表3)。

                             A组                  B组                 C组                  F                  P

总能量摄入(kcal)  646±98        707±105       852±151        131.714       <0.001

能量摄入(kcal/kg)83.9±12.1   81.6±10.6     85.8±12.4       5.175           =0.006

乳类摄入量(g)   871±129     851±133        750±150       36.265          <0.001 

            (g/kg)    114±18         99±17             76±16       205.849          <0.001

       能量(kcal)    598±92       547±83           474±99         77.647          <0.001    

        (kcal/kg)   78.1±12.8   63.5±10.6       48.1±10.2     294.506         <0.001

      %总能量         93±7           78±10             56±10


       能量(kcal)      48±51       160±87           378±126     570.425         <0.001     

       ( kcal/kg)     6.0±6.3     18.1±9.3         37.9±11.3    533.485         <0.001

       %总能量          7±7           22±10             44±10

能量密度(kcal/g) 0.66±0.06  0.65±0.06        0.73±0.08    60.441          <0.0014

将与能量摄入可能相关的因素包括父母亲文化、主要带养人、性别、喂养方式、食物重量、能量密度、宏量营养素产能比、进食次数进行多元线性回归(逐步法,选入标准为005,剔除标准为006)。结果显示能量摄入与食物重量、能量密度、性别、宏量营养素产能比有线性回归关系(R2=0598,P<0001),其中以食物重量的影响最大,其次是能量密度,蛋白质和碳水化合物产能比与能量摄入呈负相关,脂肪产能比与能量摄入呈正相关。多元线性回归方程检验F=1055 (P<0001)。
儿童体格发育评价包括体格发育水平、生长速度与匀称度的评价。生长迟缓(growth failure或 failure to thrive)是儿童体重生长低于P3rd或下降超过2条主要百分位曲线(2个标准差)\[8\]。但如何界定波动在1~2个标准差或2条主要百分位曲线内的体重生长,尚无统一标准。因儿童生长百分位曲线中P3~P10、P10~P25、P25~P50……的范围相当于067Z score。Ong等\[4\]定义婴幼儿体重发育正常的标准为-067≤⊿WAZ≤067,体重增长过快为⊿WAZ>067,增长不足为<-067。Mei等\[5\]调查10844名美国儿童生长状况时采用相同界值点。Monteiro等\[6\]分析16篇关于儿童生长与肥胖关系的文献发现多数作者亦采用⊿WAZ>067为生长过快的界值点。故本文采用-067≤⊿WAZ≤067为生长正常界值点。
根据Butte等\[9\]以双标记水法测定婴儿总能量消耗(Total Energy Expenditure,TEE)和双能量X线吸收法测定体成分的研究基础,2003年WHO\[2\]推荐4~5月龄婴儿总能量需要为561kcal/d,6~8月龄为615kcal/d,9~12月龄为686kcal/d;单位体重能量需要值分别为808kcal/kg·d、770kcal/kg·d、775kcal/kg·d。本研究中婴儿实际总能量摄入为WHO参考值的120%左右,除去膳食摄入的损失量5%后3组婴儿单位体重能量摄入分别为797kcal/kg·d、775kcal/kg·d、815kcal/kg·d,与WHO值接近,低于2000年中国营养学会推荐的0~12月龄婴儿能量需要值(95~114kcal/kg·d )\[10\]。
本组资料显示婴儿总能量摄入、单位体重食物摄入量(g/kg)、蛋白质总摄入量、单位体重蛋白质摄入量(g/kg)均随婴儿月龄增长而增加,提示能量与蛋白质是维持婴儿体格生长沿正常“轨道”发育最基本的营养素。6 ~8月龄婴儿单位体重能量摄入略下降,9月龄后又逐渐回升,与其他研究相似\[11,12\]。可能与3~6月龄婴儿生长速度逐渐减慢,9月龄后随活动量增加日总能量需要又回升有关\[13\]。
本文3组婴儿乳类产能占总能量的比例为93%、78%、56%时,或平均乳类摄入量为900g ~750g/d,4~12月婴儿体重生长正常,与一些发达国家婴儿期奶量的推荐量800ml相近\[14\]。本研究结果证实乳类是消化吸收功能发育尚不成熟婴儿的主要食物来源,不可因引入其它食物减少乳类摄入量,婴儿期奶量需维持约800ml/d。
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