
张文众  李宁  李蓉1
摘要:目的探索大豆异黄酮经口摄入内分泌干扰毒性,以及剂量-反应关系;通过和染料木素比较探索大豆异黄酮雌激素样作用的主要活性成分。方法 采用子宫增重试验,分别经口灌胃给与0.1、 0.2 、0.5 和1.5 g/kg的大豆异黄酮和0.05、0.10、0.25、和0.75 g/kg染料木素,以及3.0µg/kg 的雌二醇、水和油对照,连续3天。实验结束称量子宫的湿重和干重,对卵巢、子宫和阴道进行组织病理学检查,并且对相应剂量两种受试物的效应进行比较。结果 大豆异黄酮和染料木素均诱导子宫重量明显增加,子宫和阴道的组织病理学明显增生,并有剂量-反应关系。染料木素组和含有等量染料木素的大豆异黄酮组的雌激素作用无差异。结论 在子宫增重试验中,染料木素是大豆异黄酮的主要活性成分;经口摄入SIF对未成年青春期前的雌性大鼠产生内分泌干扰毒性,并有剂量-反应关系。
关键词:子宫增重试验 大豆异黄酮 染料木素 雌激素作用
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Study on the estrogenic effects of isoflavone
ZHANG Wenzhong, LI Ning, LI Rong
Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety , Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Beijing, 100050, China
Abstract: Object The study aimed to investigate the endocrine disruptive toxicity of isoflavone in vivo, through comparing with genistein, to study main active parts of isoflavone in estrogenic active, also. Methods Uterotrophic assay was carried out. 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.5g/kg bw isoflavone, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 7.50g/kg bw genistein, 3.0µg/kg estradiol as positive control, water and oil as control were respectively administered orally to the animal for 3 consecutive day. In the end of the test, uterine wet and blotted weight, histopathology of ovary, uterus and vaginal were measured. Finally, all the effects caused by isoflavone and geinistein were compared.Results Both isoflavone and genistein induce uterine weight increase significantly; histopathology of uterus and vagina showed that both isoflavone and genistein induce proliferation; there are dose-response relationship; in the related dose level, isoflavone and genistein caused similar effects. Conclusion In uterotrophic assay, genistein was the main active part of isoflavone; via oral administration to immature prepuberty rat, isoflavone had endocrine disruptive effects which had obviously dose-response relationship.
Key words: uterotrophic, isoflavone, genistein, estrogenicity, rat
